Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Delusions and Reality

There's a widespread belief, amongst some Marxist and communist people - even those on the center of Marxist or communist politics - that religious people believe in things that don't exist, such as God, and that the psychiatric hospitals, are full of people, who presumably don't believe in things that exist - therefore, all religious people are mad and irrational - and all diagnosed mad people are irrational and deluded.

This reductionist view, pertains to be a view about objective reality, but is in fact an opinion or value-judgement about sanity and madness. It also doesn't take into account, that a person can be both deluded and aware at the same time, and that so-called delusions can have a real basis to a person's life experiences, and in a wider personal, social, or a more cultural aspect of reality.

I have had so-called delusions in the past, when I have been very mentally unwell, where I absolutely believed in things that were not real, and yet I have also got to the stage where I knew I was deluded, but still wanted to have some aspect of the delusions up to a point, because I could learn from the experiences.

I find that Marxist or communist people are prejudiced, mentalist, and not very nice towards psychiatric diagnosed people, and treat us as socially and mentally inferior, when they are supposed to believe in equality. Obviously, their equality means, as George Orwell put it in his book Animal Farm that: 'some animals are more equal than others'. Not to say the least, about the way that diagnosed psychiatric people, and political and religious dissidents, were treated in the old Soviet Union, and locked up for life, simply for having different opinions and experiences.

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