Tuesday 28 July 2009

Poetry, Musical Lyrics, and Hearing Voices

Whilst overall I experience positive voices, which are caring and compassionate, I still sometimes get negative and intrusive voices, if I am very stressed or tired. The negative and intrusive voices, constantly say things, and interrupt my train of thought, or peace of mind. They don't always say nasty things, but they impose and harass me with stupid questions, and they sometimes repeat what they say, over and over again. They also sometimes repeat what I am thinking, and which is most annoying.

For my birthday this year, my friend gave me an ipod (an mp3/computer music file player), with a nice set of headphones. I used to be able to meditate, but I can't meditate anymore due to the voices, and because I just experience boredom, when I chant or meditate on nothing, and so I use music to meditate upon, for relaxation, and for lifting my mood. Music is the main and best therapeutic tool for me, and I can store up to a thousand songs on my ipod. I listen to my ipod on quite a regular basis, as it blots the voices out, and gives me creative inspiration. Whilst the music blots out the voices, strangely enough, it doesn't blot out my own thoughts, and I can still think and write well, whilst listening to music. This proves in a way, that some aspects of the voices, are completely separate from my thinking.

Poetic, complex, and metaphorical language, also has some relevance to blotting out negative and intrusive voices for me. The negative and intrusive voices, are like very common people, who are slightly ignorant and prejudiced, and they in some ways represent a lower aspect or part of my personality. If I raise my consciousness to a higher level, with my thinking in a very poetic, complex, and metaphorical language, the voices are not able to follow and keep up with this, and remain silent.

This poetic, complex, and very metaphorical language, would itself be seen as mad, if it was spoken out loud (as I sometimes do when with friends), but it is in itself a cure to the negative and intrusive voices, and proves that artistic and creative thinking, is a higher form of consciousness. The positive voices, which are intelligent and caring, are also a higher form of personality and consciousness.

Another coping strategy I have for dealing with the negative and intrusive voices, is imagining hearing a song, and thinking of the tune and lyrics to the song. The voices sing along to the lyrics, but they do not disturb my train of thought, and I can still think OK.

All in all, the voices have both lower and higher levels of personality and consciousness to them, and they are both part of my thoughts, and also completely separate from my thinking, feeling, and being.


  1. This is very insightful. I agree with you that listening to music and poetic language can be therapeutic, not just for people who hear voices, but even for ordinary people who also get their share of life's stresses and anxieties.

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