Tuesday 15 September 2009

For Ronnie Laing (A Song)

Just to make some kind of connection,
To share the language of poetry and song.
Your ideas of family madness analysis,
Were taken up by the Police state,
But it's the double-bind of abusive power relations which are wrong.

You said there was a split
Of the self, and not in social sub class systems.
Descartes would have had a fit
Delirious with the metaphysics of symptoms.

Oh Ronnie, you come to me in my sleeping dreams,
Drunk, homeless, and abandoned by your family.
Oh Ronnie, you tell me to carry on your good work,
And you send me subliminal messages of information.

Mysterious energies download data to my mind,
And like the film Superman Returns says,
The celestial beings see through my eyes,
And I see through their eyes.
You see through my eyes Ronnie,
But by you I am not star struck, possessed, or blind.

Oh Ronnie, maybe you are my spirit guide,
Or a tourist through the universe, and beyond the great divides.
I have my own findings and ideas, and know that if you're still alive,
That you would support me,
As you were a good Samaritan for me and my kind.

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