Monday, 26 July 2010

My Responses On The New Policies and Promises of the Labour Party on Their Website

I just read the entire Labour Party website, and if this is all true what they say, it seems that they do now admit that a fair lot of the old ideas and policies they had, under the Tony Blair and Gordon Brown Labour governments, had become quite stunted, non-progressive in many ways, and quite incomplete.

The Labour Party, in many respects and on these matters, have genuinely and sincerely re-thought and worked through all this, integrated some continuation of some of their good old ideas and policies under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown - and what's more - they have come up with some much better, politically and socially constructive ideas and policy plans or promises; including more genuine moral, ethical, and creating more progressive policies ideas and plans.

Again, I very much agree with The Labour Party, on their new revaluation and new policies on their main website, and I am also very concerned, opposed to, and worried along with them all, about the public services and benefits cuts, as proposed and threatened by the Conservatives. Also, if the Conservatives are threatening to bring back fox hunting, then that is absolutely evil, cruel, abhorrent, and repulsive, and is another reason why I more than likely will vote Labour next time round.

Along with what the The Labour Party now say about this on their website, I also don’t like the hierarchical leadership of the Liberal-Democrats turning to the right-wing, and the fact that they rather spinelessly and irresponsibly, have no opposition to the public spending and benefits cuts which the Conservatives propose and threaten to carry out.

In many ways, with their so-called big society ideas and plans, the Conservatives, have stolen, elaborated, and enlarged on the state-decentralised partial communitarian ideas of The Labour Party under Tony Blair and in some ways Gordon Brown, as an integral part of public services as Labour at least intended this.

The trouble is with the Conservatives though on this policy idea, issue, and matter, is whilst they are also concerned with civil rights and legitimate and ethical protection against the Police state - in terms of actual public services and fair benefits for those who need it, they make no distinction between the Police and Military state, and the public and/or political state via services and fair benefits for those who need them - as the Police and Military state, and the public state, are both separate aspects, and are also connected or related strata’s of the state, as the public state is also a separate aspect and strata of government, and of actual society.

Again, now Labour have promised to protect individuals and people from pernicious and unethical state-power and coercion, and the aspect of the Conservatives communitarian ideas and policies that will cut public-state and government public services and benefits, will create chaos and more crime and is totally unacceptable.

I also very pleased, that The Labour Party, have now said on their website, and admitted that there is a serious lack of participatory democracy, which they promise or plan to change, and that they also promise or plan to protect individuals and the public from the state, and which is the first time they have every mentioned the vital and crucial issue and matter of this.

However, I was very disappointed that equal civil and human rights, dispelling and challenging discrimination are only planned and promised by The Labour Party, for gay, bisexual, and trans-gender people, but not also for free and consensual BDSM civil and human rights and non-discrimination in society, and for natural biological heterosexual masochists such as myself.

Anyway, on their re-evaluated and new ideas and policy plans or promises, and the fact that the Labour Party are also now not alienating people such as Diane Abbot, means I will vote Labour again next time round. My own choice for a new Labour Party leader goes to David Milliband, because so far I have been quite impressed with much that he has said in Prime Ministers Question time, but I am also very pleased that Diane Abbot is not being excluded from the Labour Party leader election process and contest.

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