Wednesday 4 November 2009

My Dream about Syd Barrett Part III

With Syd Barrett, at some significant stage, there was a disconnection, between those who thought he was insane and who couldn’t love him - and in some ways who's language and communication he copied and mimicked socially (unlike myself who can differentiate about this, and can communicate socially, creatively, constructively, and flexibly) - and those who potentially loved him - whether he was regarded as sane or insane by them - but who did not communicate this with him, at least in a verbal or shared context or way; but which did not encourage or allow such a specific disconnection within him, although he also copied and mimicked this non-verbal way of understanding, interacting, and communicating socially with others.

This was also often how he communicated his visions socially with others, although again, these visions were communicated much better, and much more constructively, in his lyrics and music. This is not the case with myself, as I am very able, and often do, communicate my visions or findings very well and concisely, socially with others, as well communicating and teaching this very well and concisely, in my articles.

What did happen with Syd though - and which is the very central point here - was that after he disconnected between these two things, experiences, or languages, the stage at which he became insane, was when he then connected or fused the two things or experiences, and tried to communicate or verbalise this socially. This is one reason why the other members of his band, Pink Floyd, kicked him out of the band, because his social behaviour, and communication (for want of a better word) particularly live on stage, became increasingly awkward, non-communicative, and irrational.

Syd Barrett, was schizophrenic, in the modern psychiatric sense, in that he created a so-called split identity in himself, and he did have some visual and auditory hallucinations, but which were actually visions, and although this split was in some ways created socially, his perception and experiences of others was not potentially split or confused in any way, and socially he was not ignorant or misguided about the madness or so-called identity splits in other people.

Syd Barrett, even at the stage where he became very insane, could have been treated, and his insanity prevented, and I could have treated him effectively in this way, had I been around at the time, and was in a position where he could have received treatment from me.

I will write more on all of this very soon, or as soon as I am able.

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