Thursday, 20 January 2011

Absolute Conclusive Objective Proof that Innocent Immigrant Domestic Women and Children are being Enslaved, Abused, Tortured, and sometimes Murdered i

Absolute Conclusive Objective Proof that Innocent Immigrant Domestic Women and Children are being Enslaved, Abused, Tortured, and sometimes Murdered in this Society and Country


This video-clip pasted above of a Channel 4 Dispatches documentary, proves absolutely, conclusively, and objectively that innocent immigrant domestic women and children are being enslaved, abused, tortured, and sometimes murdered in this society and county. I don't care if people think I'm being a traitor to the British Labour party, but the British Labour party will never make a single comment, a single police prevention, nor any kind of moral objection and opposition to all of this, and so I will NEVER EVER vote for them again, nor for any other politician who are absolutely no better. How can we expect the British public and others to have any morality, when all of our politicians and those who rule them, have absolutely no morality themselves, and absolutely no moral social and political priorities?

Peter H. Donnelly

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

My Final Conclusions about the British Labour Party

The way I'm feeling about the Labour Party at the moment, is that I would rather boil my testicles in vinegar and stick my head into a bucket full of vipers, than vote for them or anyone else is who are no better, because they will never make a single comment, policy prevention, nor any kind of open moral opposition about those enslaved, sexually abused, tortured, and sometimes murdered immigrant domestic women and children in our society and country, and they also never make a single comment about the homeless people in our society. The Labour party say they are a socialist party, but I just don't believe them, as they don't do anything for the worse people off in our society and country, and they have absolutely no knowledge, acceptance, and awareness that socialism is first and foremost about priorities.

As for their leader Ed Miliband, his brother David Miliband should have won that leadership election for the Labour party, as at least he does have a somewhat genuine International perspective, and he genuinely cares and has always been a great speaker on the oppression of the Palestinian people in Israel. Just because his brother Ed is a liberal and is more charismatic with a kinder-looking face, his brother got a lot more popular support in the Labour party leadership election, and I also have absolutely no respect for Diane Abbott either, as she is another stinking hypocrite who calls herself a Lefty socialist, but who sends her children to very elite private schools.

Again, there are people who are far worse off than the unemployed in our society, and the Labour party just will not prioritise nor make a single comment, moral opposition, or policy in order to help any of them, and I don't believe all their sob stories about the unemployed, because when they say these things they are actually talking about their own job security as government politicians.

Peter H. Donnelly

Monday, 17 January 2011

My Views on the 2010 British Labour Party Conference Speeches

My Views on the 2010 British Labour Party Conference Speeches, None of Which Make a Word of a Mention about Racism and the Slavery, Torture, Sexual abuse, and even Murder of Innocent Immigrant Domestic Women and Children in this Society and Country

The reason that the Labour Party may win the next election, or the one after that, isn't because they are so good, it is that the Conservative Party and Liberal-democrats of the present government coalition are so bad.

On the issue of the Labour Parties absolute and total unwillingness to make any kind of single comment, policy prevention, or any kind of moral objection and opposition to the slavery, torture, sexual abuse, and even sometimes the murder of innocent immigrant domestic women and child workers in this society and country, it is just not true that blatant denial, default and omission towards evil and immoral deceit will lose them votes from racists and other people.

I admit and accept this all of this slavery and abuse in this country, is somewhat problematic and hard to solve in some ways, but there are many, many workable policies and things that Labour and other politicians could do to both lessen and prevent it, but they just will not make a single comment, policy prevention, nor any kind of moral objection and opposition on the issue. If they ever did make any kind of comment and policy prevention on this issue, then I may change my mind and consider voting for them, but that would be a miracle if they ever did that, and I don't believe in miracles.

One policy that the Labour politicians and/or others could speak up for and create, is to strengthen and make the Law enforceable, on preventing both other immigrant and white British bosses, from with-holding the passports and wages of their employees in order to trap and further enslave and abuse their employees, or rather their actual and literal human slaves. Another policy all or any of our politicians could create, is to provide and create more special work and protection-rights lawyers and solicitors for these immigrant domestic women and children, and create actual special free-phone telephone help-lines for them. Some people may say these last two things already exist, but there isn't enough of them, and we should all create much more of these human and technological support systems for these women and children to protect and help them. Another policy all or any of our politicians could create, is to change the immigration system, in a very positive and enhancing way, so the jobs and work rights and wages of these immigrant domestic women and children and protection in the first place, as any kind of prevention is much better than cure.

When Labour politicians talk about the evils of unemployment, they are actually talking about their own jobs as government politicians and not really anyone else's. Of course the Labour party have some good policies, and we should indeed help the unemployed and others and oppose the present Conservative and Liberal-democrat government's benefits and services cuts, but the unemployed and others they defend are not enslaved, beaten, tortured, sexually abused and murdered, and the Labour party and all the other politicians have just got absolutely morality nor any kind of policies, no moral objections and oppositions, and what's more they have absolutely no kind of priorities on any of this.

Peter H. Donnelly


Yes Nick, I agree with what you all say here and it is very good the criticisms and points you all make, if very simple and basic, but will you please tell me why it is the actual fact and reality of the case, that on none of the Hope Not Hate and Searchlight websites, is there a single comment, article, mention, nor any kind of moral opposition to the slavery, torture, sexual abuse, and murder of the innocent immigrant domestic women and children that I keep on writing and telling everyone about? You all say that you are anti-fascist and anti-racist organisations and groups, but I wonder whether if this the case then if this is just out of your own self-preservation, because until I see the reality of something or anything mentioned about all of this slavery and abuse of immigrant domestic workers in this society and country and elsewhere, then I am just not convinced.

What's more Nick, it is very clear to me and everyone else, that due to all of your total unwillingness to even give any kind of single mention to all of this slavery and abuse of innocent immigrant domestic women and children in this society and country and elsewhere, that you are all just the same as everybody else. As for your very simple-minded nonsense about the causes of fascism and racism, none of you would know about the real causes of fascism and racism from Betty Davis, and you are all as much use to me and these enslaved and abused immigrant domestic workers in this society and country and elsewhere, as a one-legged man at an arse-kicking competition. You must all think that I was born yesterday, and I've got about as much chance of marrying the Pope than any of you ever giving a word of a mention about all of this slavery and abuse of innocent immigrant domestic women and children.

Peter H. Donnelly

Sunday, 16 January 2011

My Conclusion about the Slavery, Torture, Sexual Abuse, and Murder of Innocent Migrant Domestic Workers in this Society and Country and the Western Wo

My Conclusion about the Slavery, Torture, Sexual Abuse, and Murder of Innocent Migrant Domestic Workers in this Society and Country and the Western World

As for the British Labour party, I have absolutely no respect for them, as if they will not say a single word nor have a single policy or moral opposition to the slavery, torture, and rape of innocent domestic immigrant children and women in this society and country, then neither they nor the European Union is worth the paper it is written on. All the British Labour party are interested in, is attracting the likes of BNP and other racist people for votes and money for themselves, and I won't vote for any other political party who are absolutely no better either, but this kind of slavery and abuse has been going on for centuries, it has only been abolished in pure abstract imaginary theory, but in reality and practise it is all very much still happening in our country, society, and world.

I honestly don't think that any of our politicians and certainly those in the rest of Europe and elsewhere have got any kind of morality, and I don't like the Conservative party at all, but the only politician who has ever mentioned anything about it, was the Tory MP Ken Clark a while ago, and he only paid very brief lip-service to the issue in one or two short sentences. I don't think that any of this slavery and abuse will ever, ever change, certainly not by any politicians, and whilst there are some people like the trade union members of Unite, who try to prevent it, they have no real power and their numbers are very few.

Peter H. Donnelly

Saturday, 15 January 2011

My Views on the European Union

I've just done some very long, hard, and some very thorough research on the European Union, and at first, I thought that Roz who is a very intelligent and lovely lady and my friend Luke's mother, UKIP, and the conservative party in all being anti-European, were simply being little-Englanders, very nationalistic, and very fascistic, but now I know the full truth and reality of it all, I can now see why Roz, UKIP, and the conservative party are very anti and against the European Union.

However, Roz, UKIP, and the conservative party, do still object to and oppose the European Union on nationalistic grounds - on the surface of it all at least - whereas my objection to the European Union as a libertarian-socialist - and because now I know the full truth and reality of it all - is that in actual fact, it would make nationalism and nationalisms a lot more insular, extreme, and a lot worse, not least because the European Union create lies, mythologisations, and justifications in their blind loyalty and ignorance to other nations and cultures, and which could encourage, be instrumental to, and which could very easily lead to fascism, much more so than British nationalism could ever do.

What's more, there are loads of immigrant women and children as domestic workers in this country, being enslaved, beaten, tortured, raped, and even sometimes murdered in this country by both other immigrant and white British bosses, and the European Union - like the British politicians and all three main political parties - have absolutely no comment, policy prevention, nor any moral opposition to this and other related matters, and in actual fact the European Union in their extreme plural nationalistic and culturalistic romanticism and idealism, don't seem to have any moral, social, or cultural objection to any nation and culture in any cultural or social way whatsoever at all, other than in the purely political. People tend to think that slavery has been abolished in the Western world and in this British society and country, but it has not.

Whilst we still and always will have our political differences, and whilst I am still in many ways opposed to and critical of British culture and British nationalism, now I understand and can see right through it all, and now I understand why Roz, UKIP, and the conservative party are anti-European Union.

Peter H. Donnelly

The London Student University Tuition Fees Protests

I very recently watched the student University Fees London protests on many video-clips. Many of the students, the Labour party and others said that these protests were hijacked by idiots and extremists as they described them like the anarchists, and the media also described the anarchists behaviours of smashing windows as violence.

Firstly, I don't agree with the students and the media and others that smashing windows is violence, because violence is an act of physical harm against another or other human beings, and whilst smashing windows may be yobbish, it is undoubtedly very good therapy and much better than counselling and psychotherapy, and what's more it is much better than actually hurting other people and human beings, and it is damage or vandalism to inanimate material property, but not violence.

Also, it is very clear from watching those youtube video-clips, that there is much evidence and in fact very clear empirical proof that the Police could have very easily of prevented the anarchists from smashing those windows, but they let them do it and then came down on the like a ton of bricks, and I initially and at first thought to myself "What the hell is going on here!?". Then it occurred to me why the Police actually let the anarchists smash those windows and then came down on them like a ton of bricks.

Firstly, it is very obvious that the Police do not like anarchism at all and in fact they hate it, but it is a fact that both the Police who are very politically conservative and the anarchists, in actual fact both politically disliked the fact that these protests were being taken over by an oppressive Trotskyite and liberal and socialist majority, and both the Police and the anarchists who hijacked the protests and pissed all over the agenda of it, that none of them couldn't care less about universities and don't really believe in them, and neither do they care much about the excessive university tuition fees, as they are all much more interested in other or wider political, social, and economic issues as they all see it in very different ways.

I am no anarchist, but this tells you that in and with their opposition to the political totalitarian nature of the rest of the mob of students, proves to us that it just plain stupid to refer to all of those anarchists as idiots and extremists as the student protesters the Labour party and the media and others did, but that in some ways and on some levels, both the anarchists and the very politically conservative people like the Police, are both very, very similar.

The other much more pernicious reason, why the Police actually allowed the anarchists to smash those windows, is because like in Communist China and the old Soviet Union, the Police always let the anarchists do these things, so they can then come down on the anarchists and other protesters like a ton of bricks in order to morally superiorise, justify, and reinforce the status-quo and the Police state. Thus, on this issue, point, and explanation, it is here that I think that both the anarchists, the Police, the other student protesters, the Labour Party and the media and everybody else, didn't really know, couldn't see, and in no way understood, or explained and revealed what was actually happening, but this is the full and complete reality of the matter in this article on this, and it is the whole truth and nothing but.

Peter H. Donnelly

Thursday, 13 January 2011

My Kind of Smiles, Wry Laughter, Thoughts, Feelings, and Responses to Ben Elton's 1980's Comedy Series Blackadder

I know Ben Elton and his ways of thinking very well, and I don't think that he is talking about medieval society in this country at all in the comedy series Blackadder, because all of his stand-up comedy routines very heavily suggest and state that he is very much talking about present-day British culture and society in his poking fun at people in religious, monarchy, and political and social authority, their infantile, regressive, psychotic hatred and jealousy of others, and their idiotic and most ignorant tantrums too epitomised in his portrayal of queen Elizabeth in Blackadder.

Ben Elton writes that sort of stuff in Blackadder for both very dull, ignorant, stupid coarse people, and for very intelligent people too, but I think that you have to be very intelligent to really understand it. Ben Elton is Jewish, and he uses a lot of irony in his humour like the Irish do, although the trouble with comedy series like Blackadder, is that very dull, stupid, coarse, ignorant people, tend to laugh at it because they think "Isn't this all good about British society and culture!", when they should be laughing and saying to themselves "Isn't this funny because it is all so terrible and very bad!", and so they completely fail to see the Jewish and especially the political critique and irony in Ben Elton's humour.

To quote the Socialist Proudhon: "To be ruled by beings without honour, dignity, loyalty, love, and without morality. That is government, that is authority!".

Peter H. Donnelly

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

The Language of Cruelty, Coarseness, Ignorance, and Disrespect

When others irrationally or very unreasonably hate others, this actually stems from self-hatred and self-loathing. What's more, being immoral against another or a third party in all of these ways with cruelty, coarseness, ignorance, and disrespect, is very often done in order to raise the other's or third parties self-esteem and make this other victimised person morally or in some other way superior to them, and indeed this can sometimes be the result or consequence of all of this. Thus, the person in the dominant or nasty and verbally aggressive role, secretly wants to be submissive.

Irrational and very unreasonable hatred of another person, and the language of cruelty, coarseness, ignorance, and disrespect, can also often be resentment and bitterness of other family members and more richer and powerful people in society, and which then becomes repressed and displaced in order to project these very resentful and bitter character traits of themselves onto others, and in order to stigmatise and scapegoat people for the evils of the economic system and/or the past and present culture and society.

In actual fact and reality, there is also a huge suspension of critical faculties involved in all of this, as people who use the language of cruelty, coarseness, ignorance, and disrespect, are very aggressively, crudely, hypocritically, and ignorantly critical of others, and sometimes of themselves a bit, but they have no kind of political, cultural, and social criticisms or critique, nor any kind of awareness, knowledge, and what's more they have absolutely no understanding of how all of these things influences and affects their own psychological behaviours and others, and of people in general.

Jealousy is a very human thing and sometimes justified, but it's when it becomes irrational and out-of-context without any real kind of justification in reality, then it is somewhat psychotic or pathological and mentally unwell, or as some people would say it becomes a bit dangerous and evil. Also, hatred aimed at a third party, is very often hatred aimed at a second party for their love, concern, care, or sensitivity towards the third person or party, which again becomes displaced and projected onto the third person or party.

The issue of forgiveness in all of this, due to a deeper understanding of the nasty and cruel person's bad learnt behaviours, the fact that they have been or are in some ways stigmatised and scapegoated themselves in some ways, and a deeper understanding of the mental unwellness and pathology of irrational, psychotic, and very unreasonable hatred and jealousy, should not involve permission or collusion with all or any of those things.

Whilst everyone deserves a second chance to change or reform their cruel, disrespectful, coarse, and ignorant behaviours and language towards others, it's not appropriate or right to repeatedly allow them to keep on doing this, although one can indeed continuously learn from it and increase one's own self-esteem, but this might be taken by the other as permission and encouragement of their bad behaviours and their language of cruelty, coarseness, ignorance, and disrespect if they continue to do all of these things.

Peter H. Donnelly