Saturday, 15 January 2011

My Views on the European Union

I've just done some very long, hard, and some very thorough research on the European Union, and at first, I thought that Roz who is a very intelligent and lovely lady and my friend Luke's mother, UKIP, and the conservative party in all being anti-European, were simply being little-Englanders, very nationalistic, and very fascistic, but now I know the full truth and reality of it all, I can now see why Roz, UKIP, and the conservative party are very anti and against the European Union.

However, Roz, UKIP, and the conservative party, do still object to and oppose the European Union on nationalistic grounds - on the surface of it all at least - whereas my objection to the European Union as a libertarian-socialist - and because now I know the full truth and reality of it all - is that in actual fact, it would make nationalism and nationalisms a lot more insular, extreme, and a lot worse, not least because the European Union create lies, mythologisations, and justifications in their blind loyalty and ignorance to other nations and cultures, and which could encourage, be instrumental to, and which could very easily lead to fascism, much more so than British nationalism could ever do.

What's more, there are loads of immigrant women and children as domestic workers in this country, being enslaved, beaten, tortured, raped, and even sometimes murdered in this country by both other immigrant and white British bosses, and the European Union - like the British politicians and all three main political parties - have absolutely no comment, policy prevention, nor any moral opposition to this and other related matters, and in actual fact the European Union in their extreme plural nationalistic and culturalistic romanticism and idealism, don't seem to have any moral, social, or cultural objection to any nation and culture in any cultural or social way whatsoever at all, other than in the purely political. People tend to think that slavery has been abolished in the Western world and in this British society and country, but it has not.

Whilst we still and always will have our political differences, and whilst I am still in many ways opposed to and critical of British culture and British nationalism, now I understand and can see right through it all, and now I understand why Roz, UKIP, and the conservative party are anti-European Union.

Peter H. Donnelly

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I am puzzled as to how you can portray The Tories as anti EU and UKIP leadership thrive on being members of The EU and have done almost everything wrong to getting out in the last 17 years!

    I think before getting complex about political stylings and titular groupings you would do well to be minded of the chasm in difference between Nationalism & Patriotism - though I know many UKIP members and leadership are by and large BNP their stance in the Racist, Xenophobic, Sexually Intollerant and anti Jewish Pan EU Political EFD Group shows all too well their allegiances.

    Also it is clear that had not Nigel Farage and Mark Croucher particularly raised the of the BNP profile for months prior to the last EU elections the job of Griffin and Bronz getting elected would have been much harder.

    Just what role UKIP is filling is it seems debatable as clearly they have done little to getting Britain out of The EU and less to educating the British public with their message all over the place in confusion due to lack of leadership, strategy, vision or tactics.

    Welcome as your support in leaving The EU clearly is perhaps a little more clarity might help.

